Looking for someone from B Company 31st Quan Loi

Looking for name of person standing next to Peter Kreutzfeldt, B Co. 31st Quan LoiPeter Kreutzfeldt is looking for somebody from Quan Loi B Co. 1969. Please reply to this post if you were in Quan Loi and/or know the person to the left beside Peter in the photo.

Thank you!

Author: admin

Army brat and proud daughter of a Vietnam Veteran

2 thoughts on “Looking for someone from B Company 31st Quan Loi”

  1. Peter … I was in Quan Loi twice in 1969. Once im March and layed out the ASP which you likely pushed all the dirt around to make the storage bunkers. The second time was in sept if I recall and I deliverec 200 lbs of nails and 5 gallons of rubber cement to the B Company CO jeep driver. Sp4 Ken Piotter
    HHC S3 1969

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