31st Engineer Battalion (CBT)
Members, spouses, daughters, sons, families and friends of the 31st Engineer Battalion (Cbt) wish to remember the following loved ones who have passed since our last meeting in San Antonio, TX, October 2015.
Radmilo Batinic
Richard Cartwright, C Co Thomas Cooley
Doyle Dietsch, C Co
John Frye, HHC
Michael Gandolfo, B Co Keith Hiltner, A. Co
Rich Hopkins, C Co
Willa Dean Hoyle, B Co Michael J. Hurtt, B Co George Ingram, HHC Willie Lee
Ernie Meyers
Maurice Modisette, HHC Sam Pollard, D Co
Al Sandlin, D Co
Henry Sua
Robert Solvedt, C Co Linda Willis, HHC
Dave Young, C Co
May They Rest In Peace
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